Safety Awareness

Get It Done Safely

“Get it Done Safely” has a profound effect on everyone who experiences it! I use the story of my injury to show how I could have embraced safety and prevented my incident’s harmful effects on my family and friends. I show the audience how they could suffer the same kind of pain, suffering, loss and disabling effects from simple mistakes, and how easily it is to avoid such hardship by embracing safety. “Get it Done Safely” is finely tailored to improve the use, understanding and importance of any organization’s safety system, the safety culture at work and the individual’s role in safety at home.This presentation will have an immediate and lasting impact on all levels of your organization.

Duration: 90 minutes

Goals and Benefits

  • Reduces workplace incidents
  • Show the company’s commitment to its workers’ safety
  • Improve the workers’ use and ownership of the safety system
  • Bring’s the company’s safety culture to the next level
  • Remind’s workers what they have to protect through working safely
  • Increases communication in meetings and onsite
  • Improves hazard identification and use of pre-job forms
  • Improves the use and identification of  PPE
  • Increases teamwork towards achieving zero incidents
  • Opens up the worker to allowing engagement from company’s leadership
  • Reduce substandard work as safety improves


The ripple effect is real!

In this session Spencer will open your heart as he relives his story and the ripples he and his family lived through. Yet, these ripples taught Spencer hard lessons on safety awareness he now shares to help organizations cultures grow.

The Safety Bubble is Spencer’s concept on why people’s behaviours resist being approached about controlling hazards. The behaviour sees this caring criticism as an attempt to controlling thier lives. Yet, address a hazard does not control lives. It only improves the way we perfom tasks! In fact, working safe goes hand in hand with why we go to work. By understanding why we go to work links workplace safety with the workers culture.

Spencer will have you riveted to their seat as his messages improves everyone belief towards workplace safety.

Duration: 60 minutes

Goals and Benefits

  • Reduces workplace incidents
  • Show the company’s commitment to its workers’ safety
  • Improve the workers’ use and ownership of the safety system
  • Brings the company’s safety culture to the next level
  • Reminds workers what they have to protect through working safely
  • Increase communication in meetings and onsite
  • Increases teamwork towards achieving zero incidents
  • Reduce substandard work as safety improves



This presentation is designed to help top, middle management and foremen understand how to engage the workers behaviors to improve their safety systems. In this presentation, we look at the role leaders have in bringing production and safety to being equally valued by the worker. This is accomplished by looking at the organization’s culture from the workers perspective. From the workers viewpoint we learn what their culture is, what portions of the companies cultures truly matter to them and how important it is to speak to the workers culture for them to embrace the organization’s culture.

If you’re are looking for new ways for your leadership to engage your workers, this is the presentation for you!

Goals and Benefits

  • Reduces workplace incidents
  • Show why instilling safety awareness is a challenge
  • Show’s the importance of recognizing and engaging workers behaviors at the management level
  • Understanding how the workers culture when engaged feeds the organizations culture
  • To establish techniques in communicating safety with the language of the worker
  • How to reduce time spent by leaders engaging workers while improving safe production results